The breath is the easiest thing to meditate on because as long as we are living it is always present. You can do this meditation anywhere and anytime.

Simple Meditation for Beginners


Image courtesy of tiverylucky /

Image courtesy of tiverylucky /


Step 1 – hear the breath in your ears

Step 2 – feel the breath in your body

Step 3 – through the nose, match the inhale to the exhale

Step 4 – say the words ‘I am’ with each inhale and the word ‘here’ with each exhale

Step 5 – repeat 5 – 30 times.



Want to download one of my favorite breath meditations?




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Kale is one of the favorite greens in my home. My hubby even has a KALE UNIVERSITY tee shirt he likes to wear. 

Did you know that eating greens is good for your respiratory system and helps with liver toxicity and lymphatic cleansing?  That’s why kale is part of the whole food cleanses my clients enjoy. Lots of greens are a eaten!

Did you know that you can make this particular super green even healthier and more digestible?  You can, and I’ll show you how. [Read more…]

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Just because everyone else in the house or at work has the crud doesn’t mean that you have to join them in their misery. To be honest, staying well when everyone around you is sick is a totally doable if you know what to do. 

Over the Christmas holidays, my house seemed to be ground zero… 

One daughter came home with a cough and sore throat, the other daughter complained of fatigue and sore throat, my nephew actually had strep and my hubby…my poor hubby was the sickest he has ever been in his adult life.

And I…well I managed to stay healthy using this simple strategy. [Read more…]

You know that urge when you really want the bite of fizz on the back of the tongue but every single fizzy drink on the market is loaded with chemicals, artificial flavors, neurotoxic sweeteners and sugar. 

I used to love the first sip if a freshly opened Coke! I liked the way it bit into the throat and feel of the effervescence in my mouth.  I thought I would be able to stop at just one sip, but no, I wanted more and more until the entire syrupy chemical concoction was gone.

I still love that occasional bite!  Here is my recipe for a delightful detox treat that I can whip up in less than 5 minutes.

Essential [Read more…]

There is just something yummy and cheerful about a cup of hot cocoa on a cold winter day!

Here’s how I like to enjoy mine… [Read more…]

Goal setting is something with which most of us have a lot of experience. BUT realizing our goals, well, that’s another thing altogether. 

There are 3 primary reasons why New Year’s Resolutions and goals tend to bomb. [Read more…]

It is estimated that 25 million working days are lost due to headaches, particularly migraine.

I suffered..scratch that, I was actually I was debilitated by them, for over 6 years! 

It was a vicious cycle…

migraine, meds, recover from meds, 1 maybe 2 good days of bright hope, then it started all over again.

It took a lot of work, a thorough detox, and years of living a daily detox lifestyle to enjoy the health I have today.  Seldom do I get a migraine. When I do, most of the time, I can nip it in the bud naturally.

Here is one natural and delicious way of staying in the game without the nasty side effects…by the way, this is also great for those times when you have overindulged…


[Read more…]

I love Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years! 

But these celebrations, long nights and short days can make for one really long, stressed out holiday season that can set us up for blues and flu. Bah-humbug and Yuck!

Because I know how brutal stress can be, the havoc it can wreak on your health, your skin, and your relationships so I want to share with you my Holiday Survival Kit.

First, there are 3 elegant strategies… [Read more…]

I’ve struggled with sleep most of my life.

When I was a little girl I hated naps and bed time.

My child mind told me that if I slept I would miss something, anything. Missing anything meant I was missing fun. 

My eyes would just not stay closed, I would wake up really early and watch the shadows in the corners change as the light peeked through the window.

I remember one day in particular when my sister and I were sent to nap. Earlier that day, my 5 year old brain plotted a way of getting out of nap time. 

I dragged a saw horse across the back yard and put it under our bedroom window. [Read more…]

The other day at the yoga studio we were talking about cooking for the holidays. One of my students was telling me about a new recipe she was going to try.  I asked her to let me know how she liked them.

I’m happy to welcome Megan as a guest to my blog.  Here’s her recipe and story about this healthier chocolate treat… [Read more…]

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When I first started my yoga training, I was the only trainee in the class that could not touch the flooreven with my fingertips. 

It was so frustrating!

Years have passed, thousands of hours on the mat, too many self inflicted injuries have revealed that a daily practice is the only way to experience ease throughout the day and manage the challenges of changing seasons, travel and over work.

I found something that works for me, maybe it will work for you…

[Read more…]

“Good broth will resurrect the dead”…

In my quest for optimal health and vibrant radiance I learned about traditional healing foods. I kept hearing about ‘bone stock’.


Frankly, because it sounded like work I wasn’t truly intrigued until…friends took me to a Neiman Marcus restaurant. [Read more…]

I just found out that…

more than 20 million Americans are diagnosed with Thyroid Disease!

That’s an astounding number, isn’t it?

I started looking into because so many of my friends, students and clients ask me about the thyroid.  It seems that everyday, someone either stops me, calls me, or emails me with questions about their thyroid.

Here’s a number even more startling…up to 60 percent of those with a thyroid disorder are UNAWARE anything is wrong.  They are medicating themselves with things like sugar, coffee and energy drinks, over the counter sleep aids, cough drops and laxatives to manage their symptoms.

It’s creating a vicious cycle all because they don’t know what the thyroid does, how to help it function better or if is even important.  Truth is…I didn’t know either!

I started digging. In a nutshell, this is what I found… [Read more…]

You know how when you’ve had it and

enough is enough

You’ve given an inch, and gosh darn-it, you lost an entire mile!

You know how when you’re ready, you’re already waaaay past ready and

want it over yesterday?

Well, that’s were I was!

I was so over it.

Done with the late afternoon whispers, the seductive promises before bed and the downright deceitful lies! [Read more…]

Did you have strange aversions to foods when you were a kid? 

I sure did, weird ones.  

Take Squash for instance…

I didn’t like it simply because of the name. Seriously, my kid brain reasoned, “you squash bugs, so why would you eat something called squash? eeeewwww, gross!”

My mother would coat it and fry it, but it seemed mushy and slimy in my mouth.

Then in my 30’s someone brought a squash casserole to a potluck. My brain instantly thought…“squashed bugs with cheese. YUCK!

Honestly, it wasn’t until I began training as a health coach and enrolled at the Institute of Integrated Nutrition that I decided to be more adventurous to give it another shot.

Boy, oh boy! Was I in for a sweet surprise…Bonus, you can use this 1 recipe 2 ways! [Read more…]

You know how when the weather changes, and your skin gets drab, ashy and flaky?

Do you know why that happens? Screen Shot 2013-10-19 at 5.35.36 PM

General wisdom says it’s because that air forced through the vents is dry. Dry air moving across the skin dries it in the same way that air moving across a lake causes evaporation.

Makes sense, right? It did to me until I started studying alternative health care like Ayurveda and nutrition. The explanation is true, at least partially. [Read more…]

Juicing is a wonderful way to flood your body with nutrients. 

During the Spring, Summer and Autumn months, I like to start my day with a home made juice because it’s a great way to load up on vital and easily available nutrients. Because it is easy on the digestive system it increases energy.


Juicing is the ultimate adventure for your taste buds. From day to day and week to week, vegetables and fruit have different taste depending on their growing environment, freshness and storage.

Use these 10 tips and after a few days you may find it a decidedly decadent way to nourish yourself.  To me, it’s the ultimate decadent drink and morning meal in under 10 minutes!!! [Read more…]

Have you ever noticed how many of your conversations revolve around health, aches, pains and medications?

Whenever I get together with friends, somehow, we always have a conversation about health.

At a recent dinner party, a friend was asking some really great questions. Then he asked one question that I thought was fabulous.

He asked, “So what do you think about Ambien?”

A hush settled over the party and everyone tuned in thinking I just might go ballistic on pharmaceuticals. [Read more…]

Stop the “Every 20 Minute Pee Breaks”

Screen Shot 2013-10-14 at 9.10.12 AM

courtesy of signicturesdotnet

You know irritating it is…

…you get ready to leave your house and you think oops, what if traffic is bad’. So you stop, turn around and head to the toilet just to be sure.

…or how about when you’re on that deadline, and , you’ve been sipping water all day to keep you brain functioning at optimal…but…grrr…have to pee AGAIN!

…you’ve been on hold for 30 minutes and finally reached a real, live person…and bummer, you have to ring off to use the loo

…and most irritating…you’re just about to drop into the land of nod and, suddenly…no, surely not, no, I’ll make it through the night, oh yeah, I better get up and go pee’…you throw the covers back, leave your comfy spot and stumble to the toilet with half closed eyes hoping you will be able to fall back to sleep. [Read more…]

This salad is not only easy, it is delicious! It’s also my most requested recipe.

A delicious way to add this nutrient dense green into your diet.

A delicious way to add this nutrient dense green into your diet.

It’s as good for parties and pot lucks as it is for weekday dinner.

Kale has gotten a lot of good press lately because of it is dense in nutrients. My

hubby even wears a t-shirt that says Kale University!


Prep Time: 10 – 15 Minutes [Read more…]

Originally Posted on February 4, 2013 [edited]


Are you

ready to






Your body is pretty awesome!  It’s also as elegant in it’s simplicity as it is intriguing in its complexity. An absolutely lovely work of experiential art

It always responds perfectly…to whatever we give it.  [Read more…]

A few weekends ago I was thrilled for a surprise opportunity to receive AromaTouch Technique training.  I’ll let you know more about the training in a follow up post, this post is a ‘new and good’ share about using that training to create a more peaceful home for my family.

Hubby and I have 4 children, 2 girls and 2 boys…perfect right?  Well yes,Blue Puzzle Piece it is.  But one of our children lives with a challenge that can seem overwhelming and unmanageable even on a good day.  You see, our youngest son lives with Autism.  [Read more…]

Dijon Corn Salad

Dijon Corn Salad

Because of garden bounty, summer is a really great time to clean up our diets, but let’s face it…summer is also a time we want quick, easy and scrumptious food

Did you know that you can have both?

 You can easily impress your family and friends…and sneak in something really healthy.

[Read more…]

What do you eat every day?

It’s a good question, it really is.  It’s a good question because when you are trying to get in shape, lose weight, increase your energy and feel younger, you want to know what works for people who have done it.  It just makes sense to take advice from someone that has the results you want, right?

You see, 6 years ago, I weighed 30-40 pounds more than I do today and I was three sizes larger.  Six years ago, I was sick more days than I was well, I had no energy, couldn’t sleep through the night, and I was debilitated by Migraine and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Disorder.  I was addicted to sugar, coffee and pity parties, because at the time…well, I felt my life sucked. [Read more…]

Hi there!  
Thanks for stopping by, I’m Rommy Kirby, your ideal and body detox specialist.
Guess what?  You are one of the first guests to visit my brand new website.  I’ve been working on it for a while now and super thrilled to release it to world and show this baby off!

Take a look around, check it out!

You know how when something really good happens for you and you want to share that feeling with others?

Well, that’s the way I’m feeling…so…how would you like a complimentary 30 minute Finally, Fit and Fabulous Break Through Session?  

I’m so thrilled to have my new site up and running that my giving gene has taken over. I will be giving complimentary break through sessions ($150 value) to the first 10 people that contact me.  

Be quick, act now, click here OR send me an email at OR give me a ring at 615-429-5817 and leave a message. I will get back to you super quick so we can schedule!

Then, while you are still here, go to the upper right hand corner and sign up to get my free ebook, 7 Simple Steps to Daily Detox.   You’ll get some super great action steps you can start using today.

Thanks for stopping by and I am looking forward to getting to know you!

Peace IN!!!
Radiance OUT!!!
