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Simple Strategy to Stay Healthy

Just because everyone else in the house or at work has the crud doesn’t mean that you have to join them in their misery. To be honest, staying well when everyone around you is sick is a totally doable if you know what to do. 

Over the Christmas holidays, my house seemed to be ground zero… 

One daughter came home with a cough and sore throat, the other daughter complained of fatigue and sore throat, my nephew actually had strep and my hubby…my poor hubby was the sickest he has ever been in his adult life.

And I…well I managed to stay healthy using this simple strategy. [Read more…]

Essential Detox Fizzy

You know that urge when you really want the bite of fizz on the back of the tongue but every single fizzy drink on the market is loaded with chemicals, artificial flavors, neurotoxic sweeteners and sugar. 

I used to love the first sip if a freshly opened Coke! I liked the way it bit into the throat and feel of the effervescence in my mouth.  I thought I would be able to stop at just one sip, but no, I wanted more and more until the entire syrupy chemical concoction was gone.

I still love that occasional bite!  Here is my recipe for a delightful detox treat that I can whip up in less than 5 minutes.

Essential [Read more…]

Essential Hot Cocoa

There is just something yummy and cheerful about a cup of hot cocoa on a cold winter day!

Here’s how I like to enjoy mine… [Read more…]

How to set goals you want to achieve

Goal setting is something with which most of us have a lot of experience. BUT realizing our goals, well, that’s another thing altogether. 

There are 3 primary reasons why New Year’s Resolutions and goals tend to bomb. [Read more…]

Essentially Happy Head Elixir

It is estimated that 25 million working days are lost due to headaches, particularly migraine.

I suffered..scratch that, I was actually I was debilitated by them, for over 6 years! 

It was a vicious cycle…

migraine, meds, recover from meds, 1 maybe 2 good days of bright hope, then it started all over again.

It took a lot of work, a thorough detox, and years of living a daily detox lifestyle to enjoy the health I have today.  Seldom do I get a migraine. When I do, most of the time, I can nip it in the bud naturally.

Here is one natural and delicious way of staying in the game without the nasty side effects…by the way, this is also great for those times when you have overindulged…


[Read more…]

3 Elegant Holiday Strategies

I love Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years! 

But these celebrations, long nights and short days can make for one really long, stressed out holiday season that can set us up for blues and flu. Bah-humbug and Yuck!

Because I know how brutal stress can be, the havoc it can wreak on your health, your skin, and your relationships so I want to share with you my Holiday Survival Kit.

First, there are 3 elegant strategies… [Read more…]

Sleep well, wake refreshed and happy

I’ve struggled with sleep most of my life.

When I was a little girl I hated naps and bed time.

My child mind told me that if I slept I would miss something, anything. Missing anything meant I was missing fun. 

My eyes would just not stay closed, I would wake up really early and watch the shadows in the corners change as the light peeked through the window.

I remember one day in particular when my sister and I were sent to nap. Earlier that day, my 5 year old brain plotted a way of getting out of nap time. 

I dragged a saw horse across the back yard and put it under our bedroom window. [Read more…]

Make it healthier….Sweet Potato Brownies

The other day at the yoga studio we were talking about cooking for the holidays. One of my students was telling me about a new recipe she was going to try.  I asked her to let me know how she liked them.

I’m happy to welcome Megan as a guest to my blog.  Here’s her recipe and story about this healthier chocolate treat… [Read more…]
