7 Super Self-Care Tips

Is life feeling like a vicious game of Dodge Ball these days?  You know, balls whirring past your head, hitting your hip, tripping you up at every turn or ouch…maybe even gut punching you? [Read more…]

44 Reasons Why You Need To Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Once people find out I’m a Certified Holistic Health Coach, they tell me all sorts of things.

The other day I met a lady that told me she just could not sleep.  Honestly, she was a wee bit proud of the fact that she didn’t need sleep “the way most people do.”

She is a wife and mother of 4, ages 11-20, has a successful, challenging career, and she is active in the community. When I asked what time she typically goes to bed she cheerily said, “oh anywhere between 11:30 and 1 (a.m.)”.  WOW! Say it with me, chronic sleep deprivation.

Then, she told me about the personal trainer she recently hired.  Her personal trainer has her up for 4:30 a.m for workouts, so she thought for sure she would be able to sleep better, but she isn’t. (I didn’t have the heart to tell her that her new 4 a.m. wake ups would not whittle her waist as hoped.) [Read more…]

3 Elegant Holiday Strategies

I love Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years! 

But these celebrations, long nights and short days can make for one really long, stressed out holiday season that can set us up for blues and flu. Bah-humbug and Yuck!

Because I know how brutal stress can be, the havoc it can wreak on your health, your skin, and your relationships so I want to share with you my Holiday Survival Kit.

First, there are 3 elegant strategies… [Read more…]

Sleep well, wake refreshed and happy

I’ve struggled with sleep most of my life.

When I was a little girl I hated naps and bed time.

My child mind told me that if I slept I would miss something, anything. Missing anything meant I was missing fun. 

My eyes would just not stay closed, I would wake up really early and watch the shadows in the corners change as the light peeked through the window.

I remember one day in particular when my sister and I were sent to nap. Earlier that day, my 5 year old brain plotted a way of getting out of nap time. 

I dragged a saw horse across the back yard and put it under our bedroom window. [Read more…]

Is your Thyroid 1 in 20,000,000?

I just found out that…

more than 20 million Americans are diagnosed with Thyroid Disease!

That’s an astounding number, isn’t it?

I started looking into because so many of my friends, students and clients ask me about the thyroid.  It seems that everyday, someone either stops me, calls me, or emails me with questions about their thyroid.

Here’s a number even more startling…up to 60 percent of those with a thyroid disorder are UNAWARE anything is wrong.  They are medicating themselves with things like sugar, coffee and energy drinks, over the counter sleep aids, cough drops and laxatives to manage their symptoms.

It’s creating a vicious cycle all because they don’t know what the thyroid does, how to help it function better or if is even important.  Truth is…I didn’t know either!

I started digging. In a nutshell, this is what I found… [Read more…]
