The Essential Ginger Pickle

Ayurveda, known as Yoga’s sister science, offers an array of practices for radiant optimal wellness.

The Ginger Pickle is a highly prized, incredibly effective, and taste bud tingling recipe that increases digestive agni, (agni translates to fire).  Because of this, it is also a fabulous boost to the immune system.


It’s a ‘trick’ used by brides to help them fit into their dress on their special day…

but it’s also amazingly beneficial to three of your body’s systems.

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Healthy Legacy – Part 2, Reduce Your Toxic Load

Shockingly, for most Westerners, the most toxic part of our day is before we eat breakfast, during our morning shower. [Read more…]

Delicious Dijon Corn Salad

Dijon Corn Salad

Dijon Corn Salad

Because of garden bounty, summer is a really great time to clean up our diets, but let’s face it…summer is also a time we want quick, easy and scrumptious food

Did you know that you can have both?

 You can easily impress your family and friends…and sneak in something really healthy.

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