Do you see Miracles?

Google defines a miracle as


 “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.”


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44 Reasons Why You Need To Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Once people find out I’m a Certified Holistic Health Coach, they tell me all sorts of things.

The other day I met a lady that told me she just could not sleep.  Honestly, she was a wee bit proud of the fact that she didn’t need sleep “the way most people do.”

She is a wife and mother of 4, ages 11-20, has a successful, challenging career, and she is active in the community. When I asked what time she typically goes to bed she cheerily said, “oh anywhere between 11:30 and 1 (a.m.)”.  WOW! Say it with me, chronic sleep deprivation.

Then, she told me about the personal trainer she recently hired.  Her personal trainer has her up for 4:30 a.m for workouts, so she thought for sure she would be able to sleep better, but she isn’t. (I didn’t have the heart to tell her that her new 4 a.m. wake ups would not whittle her waist as hoped.) [Read more…]

A Healthy Legacy

We all have a legacy. In fact, we have several. When we go the our medical providers, we give them our health history and the legacy of health handed down to us.  When we create a family of our own, we bring traditions, beliefs and habits that are from our family and heritage, that’s legacy. We each have been given spiritual legacy, emotional legacy, physical legacy and even financial legacy. [Read more…]
