BE You, Imperfections Included

Over 20-something years ago I was a young wife and a mother.

I was also a body-builder, fitness competitor, and a model.


I loved every bit of it…except…


  • feeling like I wasn’t good enough
  • thinking about food
  • throwing up food
  • not eating food
  • hating how I looked in my clothes
  • hating how I looked out of my clothes
  • pushing my body to physical extremes
  • trying to lose just 5 more pounds
  • gaining 5 pounds
  • trying to fit my agents’ ideal
  • trying to fit the ad agency’s ideal
  • the rejection
  • the cattle calls
  • the guilt of being imperfect


…and failing, miserably at being me.


It took years and years and years before I found something that would help me like myself, yoga. 

And then…I had to ‘learn to LOVE’  myself.


The most important person for you to aspire to be is YOU, imperfections included.


Check out this video.

Oh, while I understand what she is saying, I disagree with the last statement.

You see,

You are your ideal. Eat the foods that make your cells happy, be with the people that soothe your soul, move your body so that it feels amazing, rest when you need to, as long as you need…


that’s how you reach your ideal.


“once someone else has done your makeup, and someone else has done your hair, and someone’s directed the way your body looks, and then taken away your imperfections…then there’s not much left of who you really are”



check out my anthem for no more botox, not more fillers, clean eating, good living and fabulous relationships here

